National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST)
- Gleason, G., Plummer, J., Ghent, C., & Palma, C. (2017) Middle School Students Learning about Science Practices in Astronomy: The Role of Telescopes in Astronomical Observation. Talk presented at the Annual Meeting of NARST, April 22-25, San Antonio, TX
- McDonald, S., Plummer, J., Rivet, A., Delgado, C., Kastens, K., Flarend, A., Rubin, K., Pickard, M., Bembenic, M., & Anderson, C. (2014). Integrating Crosscutting Themes, Practices, and Core Ideas: Learning Progressions in Earth and Space Science Symposium. Posters presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), March 30-April 2, Pittsburgh, PA.
- LINK: (poster) Solar System Learning Progression: Overview
- LINK: (poster) Solar System Learning Progression: Physical Properties of Solar System Objects
- LINK: (poster) Solar System Learning Progression: Gravity and Dynamical Properties of Solar System Objects
- LINK: (poster) Solar System Learning Progression: Solar System Formation
- LINK: (poster) Plate Tectonics Learning Progression Overview
- LINK: (poster) Plate Tectonics Hypothetical Construct Map
- LINK: (poster) Volcanic Mechanism Construct Map
- Plummer, J., Flarend, A., Palma, C., Rubin, K., and Botzer, B. (2013). Development of a learning progression for formation of the Solar System. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research on Science Teaching (NARST), April 5 - 9, Rio Grande, PR.
- McDonald, S., Bembenic, M., Guertin, L., Licona, P., Preston, S., and Furman, T. (2013). Developing a Hypothetical Learning Progression for Plate Tectonics. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research on Science Teaching (NARST), April 5-9, Rio Grande, PR.
Physics Education Research Conference
- Plummer, J.D., Palma, C., Flarend, A., and Petula, J. (2012). Dimensions of a learning progression for the formation of the solar system. Poster presented at the Physics Education Research conference, Philadelphia, PA.
American Astronomical Society Meeting
- Palma, C., Flarend, A., Petula, J., Richards, M., Spotts, H., McDonald, S., and Furman, T. (2013), "Design, Delivery, and Results of the Earth and Space Science Partnership Teacher Professional Development Program", American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 221, #342.08
- Palma, C., Petula, J., Plummer, J., Flarend, A., & Goldsborough, G. (2012),“First Step in Building an Astronomy Learning Progression: Analyzing Student Conceptions of Astronomical Phenomena”, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 219, #235.01
Math and Science Partnership (MSP) Learning Network Conference (LNC)
- Furman, T., McDonald, S., Guertin, L., Plummer, J., Palma, C., Lauver, S., Lewis-King, T., Mundry, S. (2013). The Pennsylvania Earth and Space Science Partnership: Midlife Reflections on Success, Struggles and Change. Presented at Math and Science Partnership (MSP) Learning Network Conference (LNC), February 11-12, 2013, Washington, DC.
- McDonald, S., Furman, T., & Guertin, L. (2012). Refining Learning Progressions in Astronomy and Plate Tectonics. Presented at Math and Science Partnership (MSP) Learning Network Conference (LNC), January 22-24, 2012, Washington, DC.
- McDonald, S., Furman, T., & Palma, C. (2011). Developing Learning Progressions in Earth and Space Science as a Tool for Teacher Professional Development and Student Learning. Presented at Math and Science Partnership (MSP) Learning Network Conference (LNC), January 23-25, 2011, Washington, DC.
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
PAESTA Strand at Regional NSTA in Philadelphia (organized by L. Guertin, taking place November 14, 2015)
- Palma, C, 2015, Leveraging the Year of Pluto to highlight the practices of astronomy & planetary science
- Tait, K, 2015, Earth and Mars: evidence of tectonic movement on other planets
- Tyson, G, Wilkinson, W, Okonski, J, 2015, PLC... the final frontier in teacher collaboration
- Collins, G, 2015, Policy matters for science educators
- Hunter, K, 2015, Using fiction and non-fiction reading to enhance science literacy
- Spotts, H, 2015, Breaking down the silos: practical application of literacy in STEM
- Rubin, KeriAnn (2013). The Solar System and Its Formation: Kinesthetic Instructional Strategies. Presented at NSTA Conference, Charlotte, November 7-9, 2013, Charlotte, NC.
Geological Society of America
- Tanya Furman and Laura Guertin co-chaired and organized session at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (Baltimore, MD, November 3, 2016) – Research on Teaching and Student Learning in the K-12 Earth Science Classroom. Session was co-sponsored by the GSA Geoscience Education Division, National Earth Science Teachers Association, and the National Association of Geoscience Teachers. Session had 14 talks (including three ESSP-related)
Half-Day Workshop Sessions
- Guertin, Laura (2015). Workshop 518A Teaching controversial issues 1 – Climate and Energy
- Guertin, Laura (2015). Workshop 518D Teaching controversial issues 2 – Evolution of Life and Earth
PAESTA Annual Conference
- Guertin, Laura (2014). Being a Teacher at Sea for a hydrographic survey aboard the NOAA ship Thomas Jefferson
- Palma, Chris (2014). Teaching Sky Motions and the Celestial Sphere
- Barringer, D. & Palma, C. 2016. “Development of an On-line Exoplanet Course for In-Service Teachers” Presented at the American Astronomical Society Winter Meeting, Kissimmee, FL, Jan 4 - 8, 2016.
- Palma, C. & Plummer J. 2016. “A New Coherent Content Storyline Astronomy Course for Pre-Service Teachers at Penn State” Presented at the American Astronomical Society Winter Meeting, Kissimmee, FL, Jan 4 - 8, 2016.
- Guertin, Laura co-chaired and organized session at the Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (Albany, NY, March 21, 2016) – Connecting K-12 and Higher Education: What Teachers Need, What Faculty Can Offer. Session was a collaboration between NETSA, PAESTA, NYESTA, and NJESTA. Session had 9 talks (including one ESSP-related by K. Tait) and five posters.
- Plummer, J.D., Palma, C., Rubin, K., Flarend, A., Ong, Y.S., Ghent, C., Gleason, T., McDonald, S., Botzer, B., & Furman, T. (2016, April). The Role of Instruction in Defining a Solar System Learning Progression. Poster presented as part of the Methodological Approaches to the Development of Earth and Space Science Learning Progressions symposium at the NARST annual conference, Baltimore, MD, April 14-17, 2016.
- Ghent, C., Plummer, J., Gleason, T., Palma, C., & Ong, Y.S. (2016). How Astronomers Investigate the Universe: Student Ideas about Astronomical Practices Before and After Instruction. Poster presented at the NARST annual conference, Baltimore, MD, April 14-17, 2016.
- Plummer, J.D., Palma, C., Ghent, C., Gleason, T., Ong, Y., Flarend, A., Rubin, K., & McDonald, S. (2016). Evaluating a learning progression for the Solar System: Progress along the gravity and dynamical properties dimensions. Annual conference of the Korean Association for Science Education, Daegu, South Korea, January 28-30, 2016.
- Plummer, J.D., Palma, C., Ghent, C., Gleason, T., Ong, Y., Flarend, A., Rubin, K., & McDonald, S. (2016). Student progress in gravity and dynamics through an astronomy curriculum. Annual conference of the American Association of Physics Teachers, New Orleans, LA, April 9 – 12, 2016.
- Furman, Tanya (2015). Growing a culture of support for STEM learning (with Angela Miller and Willie D West). Council for Opportunity in Education national conference, Atlanta GA (2015)
- Furman, Tanya (2015). Teaching and learning: plate tectonics. Towson University (2015)
- Furman, Tanya (2015). Teaching and learning: plate tectonics. Pennsylvania State University (2015)
- Guertin, Laura, Tait, Kathy (2015). You Asked, We Answered! A podcasting series by scientists for K-12 teachers through the Pennsylvania Earth Science Teachers Association (PAESTA). Abstract ED53G-05, presented at the 2015 Fall Meeting AGU, San Francisco, CA, 18 Dec.
- Plummer, J.D. & Palma, C. (2015). Engaging undergraduate education majors in the practice of astronomy through a coherent science content storyline course. Presented at the International Astronomical Union triennial conference, Honolulu, HI, August 20 – 31, 2015.
- Palma, C., Plummer, J.D., Rubin, K., Flarend, A., Ong, Y.S., McDonald, S. (2015, April). Have astronauts visited Neptune? Student ideas about how astronomers study the Solar System. Presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching annual conference, Chicago, IL, April 11-14, 2015.
- Palma, C., Plummer, J., Ghent, C., Gleason, T., Ong, Y.S., & McDonald, S. (2015, January). Have Astronomers Been to Neptune? Results of a Study of High School Students' Ideas about How Astronomers Study the Solar System. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 225).
- Plummer, J.D. (invited panelist, with Shore, L., Cheung, C., & Carlson, J.) (2014). The Next Generation Science Standards: How to support students, teachers, and districts. Presented at the Astronomical Society of the Pacific’s Annual Education and Public Outreach Conference, Burlingame, CA, August 3-6, 2014.
- Plummer, J.D. (2014). Developing astronomy instruction that supports the goals of the NGSS. Workshop presented at the Astronomical Society of the Pacific’s Annual Education and Public Outreach Conference, Burlingame, CA, August 3-6, 2014.
- Guertin, Laura & Spotts, Heather (2014). Classroom Strategy: Image of the Day, Science Friday website (August 22, 2014)